Seismic Retrofit Project List

Completed Seismic Retrofit Projects:

Prairie City School District - Seismic upgrade to existing school gym. Completed 2020.

Wallowa Gym - Seismic upgrade and improvements on existing school gym. Completed 2023.

Dayville School District - Seismic upgrade to the roof, gym and stage. Completed 2021.

Baker City Middle School - Seismic retrofit to Baker Middle School gym. Completed 2022.

Monument Phase I - Seismic upgrade to the gymnasium and classrooms. Completed 2021.

La Grande High School Auditorium - Seismic retrofit to the La Grande High School auditorium. This included new store-front doors, brick masonry wall, roof and interior finishes. Completed 2023.

Humbolt Elementary - Seismic upgrades which added strengthening of the gymnasium and classrooms. This included new shear walls, drywall, paint, and replacing concrete slabs. Completed 2023.

Active & Upcoming Seismic Retrofit Projects:

Prairie City High - Project awarded; more information coming soon. Projected completion of 2024.

Cannon Beach Fire Station - Seismic retrofit which includes new siding, roll-down doors, windows and interior finishes. Projected completion of 2024.

Mt. Angel Middle School - Project awarded; more information coming soon. Projected completion of 2024.

Clatskanie Elementary School - Project awarded; more information coming soon. Projected completion of 2024.

